Brake shoe Terrot 350cm3 - 1

    Brake shoe Terrot 350cm³

    Brake shoe d'origin type Idéal ¤170mm, Thickness 30mm.

    Ref. M350 = Sold only WITH Exchange Standard* relined as new.

    All exchanged jaws are cleaned, sandblasted and hot-glued, specific to garnishing, guaranteeing technical resistance suitable for braking.

    *Requires shipping of your old brake shoes after validation and payment of command. (see "Find out more").

    No command will be processed front receipt of your old jaws

    Price per pair. Permanent stock.

    Refurbished part

    Find outMore

    Terms and conditions of sale : EXCHANGE Standard.

    This model of brake shoe is sold exclusively as an exchange standard, which requires you to send us your old jaws by post, after validation and payment of your command online.

    On receipt, the jaws are exchanged for similar models, relined as new.

    Why exchange standard?

    The garnishing website fororigin jaws enables us to guarantee perfect aluminum quality and to offer an attractive price, which is why we strongly advise you to keep yourorigin jaws whenever possible.

    We have attempted complete remanufacturing of brake shoe, but the quality obtained had many defects, in terms of finish and above all technical resistance, which is why we only offer exchange standard or series from stock of neworigin parts.

    WARNING: Some aluminum castings do not have the quality and reliability oforigin jaws.